Monday, September 12, 2011

green smoothie

After playing around with the idea of a 'green smoothie' I think I've finally come up with one that actually tastes good and is soooo good for you.

Breakfast this morning, kale proudly picked from the garden for the very first time...

1 Banana
1 handful fresh or frozen blueberries
1 small bunch fresh kale or spinach
1 heaped teaspoon peanut butter
1 cup fresh almond milk
(Optional - 1 teaspoon bee pollen)

Blend together. Drink, and enjoy!

(Tomorrow: How to make your own Almond Milk at home!)


  1. Lovely blog Jade.

    I must admit on sight alone that smoothie doesn't look that appealing to me but it certainly sounds yummy! Am interested to see how you make Almond milk :)
    Hmmm, I wonder if my kids would be into green smoothies :)


  2. Jade, I am so glad I found this recipe! I am going to bookmark it and try it very soon. Thanks so much for letting me know about it! :)


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