Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I like...

Today, in my Kindergarten class, I asked the children what do you like to do with your family? Boring? Maybe to some of you. Interesting? Definitely. What was interesting was their answers. I got a few 'watch DVDs, and a few 'Ben10's - which for those of you not in the know is cartoon animation of a very violent young man named Ben - who happens to be 10 years old. Anyway, what made my heart smile (can it do such a thing?) was two general reoccurring answers. 1. Nature (in the form of the beach, the river, the trees - one little boy said he "liked to look at the trees"). Bless him. I too, like to look at trees. 2. Being at home. I think it is so easy to over complicate an already complicated world. Keep things simple. And clearly, given the answers I received today, that is what children want too. A simple life, filled with the comforts of home. A "cuddle from Daddy before he goes to work" or "sleeping in my Mum and Dad's bed" or "going to the beach to make sand castles". So given the title of this post... I like... ...the simple things in life. I had to think about that for a minute, but then I just realised I was overcomplicating things...

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