Wednesday, May 30, 2012

life lately

the bump and the boxes. 38 weeks.


  1. Not long now! Don't know how you moved home at 37/38 weeks pregnant!! You must be EXHAUSTED. x

  2. Jade, you are a legend moving so close to having your bub. Hope you are settling well into your new home :)

  3. Hope the first thing you did was make your bed so you could have a much needed rest - that and find the kettle for a nice cup of tea.
    Hope all going well x

  4. Well done on accomplishing a big move while pregnant! I hope you're finding time to put your feet up. That bump is beautiful! Enjoy the next few weeks of pregnancy xxx

  5. I'm thinking of you too! Blessings for the birth of your little baby. It'll happen just how it's meant to...just flow with wherever the journey takes you... xo


Thank you for your comments. Much love x