Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a letter: one

when ruby turned one a few months ago, i wanted to start a little tradition for her. yes, we will always have birthday parties, but i wanted something that was personal, heartfelt and really meaningful.

enter: the letter.

every year, on her birthday, she will receive a handwritten letter from her mama.

a little piece of love from me to her that she can treasure forever.


  1. very sweet and special for both of you. x.

  2. I LOVE this idea. May have to copy :-)
    Just reading back through some of your lovely posts.
    I was wondering if you would want to write a guest post for my blog? Your story of motherhood. No rules, no boundaries. Just your story. Any challenges, surprises, wonderful moments, expectations etc. etc. It can be written anyway you feel fit. What do you think?
    Feel free to email me at
    xx Thanks


Thank you for your comments. Much love x