Monday, January 5, 2009


It really is amazing what you can learn from a place you've been to thousands of time. Home. Going home to visit my family in the country is many things. Relaxing. Comforting. Invigorating. It's a place I can go and be me. It is peaceful. Beautiful. Quiet. And as I found out this visit, a place to learn. I think sometimes we forget the significance of the tiniest daily activities that might just fleet past us if we don't take any notice. Like this...
My Nonna peeling her dried berlotti beans. Pure and simple.
She laughed at me when I wanted to take these shots. Probably because she does these types of things everyday. Things that most of my generation wouldn't even think of doing. She grows beans, cucumbers, herbs, tomatoes, zucchini. You name it, if it's in season my Nonna is growing it. Sometimes I wonder if people actually stop and think where these types of foods come from. Or do they just think they come from the packet? Growing berlotti beans in my Nonna's backyard is something she has done from childhood. Now, still, she grows. Waters. Dries. Peels. Cooks.
What did I learn? I learnt that home is not only a place where you grow up. Where you feel loved. Cherished. But home is where you can take something from every single time you return.
Even if it is some laughable pictures of dried berlotti beans.

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